Looking for new amps Classe / Gryphon


New member
Nov 3, 2021
Im in the market for to upgrade my amplification , can anyone compare contrast the Classe delta monos with the gryphon essence monos. i know 2x the cost not really a fair comparison. but none the less i would love to hear peoples thoughts.

what im looking for - sweeter highs , fuller midrange , better bass texture (want to be drawn in more)

Auditioned a parasound jc5 in home and found the sound to dark and slow.

Budget $40k for amplification

i will be upgrading the tube preamp as well perhaps VAC.

Speakers – jbl 4367
Cables – Cardas
DAC – Holo Audio – May DAC KTE
Amp – crown xls2505
Preamp – Schitt Freya tube preamp with NOS 6sn7's
Streamer - LUMIN U1 mini
Inwall – 3 20a circuits with Cryo 10ga romex with cardas outlets

Thank you
Rich I look forward to hearing what you decide. The Freya is not a bad preamp, surprisingly good if you want to wait on the new preamp.

Oh and welcome to the forum.
We’ve had both in the store. RITMO heard them both. I think he’s partial to the Delta monos. We’ve also run them with the VAC master and it’s a sweet combo.

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Thanks marty and mike ill reach out to @RITMO and see if he can elaborate.

Would you consider the classe to be on the sweet side like the luxman 900u? Is there any comparison?
Nice speakers, if I do say so. Welcome to AS

Just my opinion, Schiit is decent but would be a weak link in the level of gear you are talking.

Have you considered or heard the Levinson 534 (stereo) or 536 mono's? The 534 is fast and sounds great. The 536's I've only heard with Kef Ref 5's and, they did have amazing bass on those speakers able to reproduce Reference label Classical with authority and depth.

With your budget though, a lot of great options.

If you haven't yet I recommend either bi-wiring your speakers or purchasing same brand Cardas jumpers to replace the ones that came with the 4367. I found it a worthy improvement.

I do like Gryphon, it is some dark leaning warm from neutral. I've heard older Classe but not the new amps.
Im in the market for to upgrade my amplification , can anyone compare contrast the Classe delta monos with the gryphon essence monos. i know 2x the cost not really a fair comparison. but none the less i would love to hear peoples thoughts.

what im looking for - sweeter highs , fuller midrange , better bass texture (want to be drawn in more)

Auditioned a parasound jc5 in home and found the sound to dark and slow.

Budget $40k for amplification

i will be upgrading the tube preamp as well perhaps VAC.

Speakers – jbl 4367
Cables – Cardas
DAC – Holo Audio – May DAC KTE
Amp – crown xls2505
Preamp – Schitt Freya tube preamp with NOS 6sn7's
Streamer - LUMIN U1 mini
Inwall – 3 20a circuits with Cryo 10ga romex with cardas outlets

Thank you
A contrarian view for sure, but if I were in your shoes, I would consider putting the $40k on the speakers. That is where you are going to get the most bang for your buck.
A contrarian view for sure, but if I were in your shoes, I would consider putting the $40k on the speakers. That is where you are going to get the most bang for your buck.

I tend to disagree. In my experience you can make good speakers sound phenomenal with the right electronics/equipment. Not the other way around.
Sweet system. From the right dealer, for 40k you could get a set of Magico A5s (24,800), Pass Labs 260.8 monos (13,500), and a Pass XP-12 Pre (5,800). List price is about 4K over your budget, but … This would remove any weak links in your system … Pass gives you the tube like sound w/o tubes.

Im in the market for to upgrade my amplification , can anyone compare contrast the Classe delta monos with the gryphon essence monos. i know 2x the cost not really a fair comparison. but none the less i would love to hear peoples thoughts.

what im looking for - sweeter highs , fuller midrange , better bass texture (want to be drawn in more)

Auditioned a parasound jc5 in home and found the sound to dark and slow.

Budget $40k for amplification

i will be upgrading the tube preamp as well perhaps VAC.

Speakers – jbl 4367
Cables – Cardas
DAC – Holo Audio – May DAC KTE
Amp – crown xls2505
Preamp – Schitt Freya tube preamp with NOS 6sn7's
Streamer - LUMIN U1 mini
Inwall – 3 20a circuits with Cryo 10ga romex with cardas outlets

Thank you
It's funny how people paint certain gear into a certain area....like sweet and dark, or thin. or neutral or whatever.

I have owned Classe' monos...CAM 600's. Listened to the new Classe' Delta monos, and now own a Gryphon Diablo 300. I don't see how you could go wrong with either brand. Regarding the sound, they are both top notch.

If I hadn't wanted an integrated amp to downsize I would have bought the Classe stuff for my Kharma DB9's. Now the Classe won't win on the snooty factor, but it will provide you with everything you could want in sound. Plus it's a stinking bargain compared to the boutique brands. They remind me of the way Parasound JC1's were perceived, everyone knew the were great but they had no snob appeal.

My Gryphon is excellent. It certainly doesn't sound dark paired with the Kharmas. It's very articulate. Great detail with absolutely no fatigue. A fantastic piece....except for the remote, it sucks.
Here is my complete "short" list of amplification i have or am trying to audition. so far ive only herd the Parasound JC5 (dark/slow) Passlabs x350.8 (thin) , the Gryphon diablo 300 (Impressive/Chills) , and the Gryphon Antileon Evo (a little dark but may be nice with my horn Jbls) which is the hard part because nothing sounds like my JBL's. BTW im a huge jbl fan ive been in pro audio for a long time and watching a live concert at home at 100db+ jbl horns and jbl 18" subs to me do it for me unlike ive herd elsewhere.

Again these will and be paired with a tube preamp such as VAC.


Classe delta stereo - $10500
Pass labs x350.8 $14,200
Luxman M-10X - $16k
Gryphon diablo 300 - $17k
Parasound Halo JC 1+ monoblocks - $17500
Sim Audio 860A v2 Power Amplifier $19500
Classe Delta monos - $21000
Gryphon Audio Designs Essence Stereo Amplifier - $22,000
Constellation Audio Taurus Stereo Power Amplifier -$22,000
Boulder 1160 Stereo Amplifier $33,000.00
Dan D'Agostino Momentum S250 Stereo Amplifier $35,000.00
Element 118 Power Amplifier Monoblocks - $38000
Gryphon Antileon Evo Stereo Amplifier - $42,000
Gryphon Essence monos Amplifiers - $44,000
Impressive list Rich......About 3/4 could be heard at Suncoast. Not sure what you have for dealers in MD.

Here is my complete "short" list of amplification i have or am trying to audition. so far ive only herd the Parasound JC5 (dark/slow) Passlabs x350.8 (thin) , the Gryphon diablo 300 (Impressive/Chills) , and the Gryphon Antileon Evo (a little dark but may be nice with my horn Jbls) which is the hard part because nothing sounds like my JBL's. BTW im a huge jbl fan ive been in pro audio for a long time and watching a live concert at home at 100db+ jbl horns and jbl 18" subs to me do it for me unlike ive herd elsewhere.

Again these will and be paired with a tube preamp such as VAC.


Classe delta stereo - $10500
Pass labs x350.8 $14,200
Luxman M-10X - $16k
Gryphon diablo 300 - $17k
Parasound Halo JC 1+ monoblocks - $17500
Sim Audio 860A v2 Power Amplifier $19500
Classe Delta monos - $21000
Audio Research Reference 160S stereo power amplifier - $22,000
Gryphon Audio Designs Essence Stereo Amplifier - $22,000
Constellation Audio Taurus Stereo Power Amplifier -$22,000
Boulder 1160 Stereo Amplifier $33,000.00
Dan D'Agostino Momentum S250 Stereo Amplifier $35,000.00
Element 118 Power Amplifier Monoblocks - $38000
Gryphon Antileon Evo Stereo Amplifier - $42,000
Gryphon Essence monos Amplifiers - $44,000
Impressive list Rich......About 3/4 could be heard at Suncoast. Not sure what you have for dealers in MD.


i wish i had the time (own a business and my wife is due with our first any day now) id pack up my jbls and drive down to FL to mikes shop. My local dealers have Pass, gryphon , classe , sim , boulder but not all the models im interested in hearing. im talking with them to do the in home demos. first up is the Gryphon diablo 300 and antileon evo.
Congratulations on the new addition to the family.....I look forward to your thoughts on the Gryphon


i wish i had the time (own a business and my wife is due with our first any day now) id pack up my jbls and drive down to FL to mikes shop. My local dealers have Pass, gryphon , classe , sim , boulder but not all the models im interested in hearing. im talking with them to do the in home demos. first up is the Gryphon diablo 300 and antileon evo.
It's funny how people paint certain gear into a certain area....like sweet and dark, or thin. or neutral or whatever.

I have owned Classe' monos...CAM 600's. Listened to the new Classe' Delta monos, and now own a Gryphon Diablo 300. I don't see how you could go wrong with either brand. Regarding the sound, they are both top notch.

If I hadn't wanted an integrated amp to downsize I would have bought the Classe stuff for my Kharma DB9's. Now the Classe won't win on the snooty factor, but it will provide you with everything you could want in sound. Plus it's a stinking bargain compared to the boutique brands. They remind me of the way Parasound JC1's were perceived, everyone knew the were great but they had no snob appeal.

My Gryphon is excellent. It certainly doesn't sound dark paired with the Kharmas. It's very articulate. Great detail with absolutely no fatigue. A fantastic piece....except for the remote, it sucks.

Here is my complete "short" list of amplification i have or am trying to audition. so far ive only herd the Parasound JC5 (dark/slow) Passlabs x350.8 (thin) , the Gryphon diablo 300 (Impressive/Chills) , and the Gryphon Antileon Evo (a little dark but may be nice with my horn Jbls) which is the hard part because nothing sounds like my JBL's. BTW im a huge jbl fan ive been in pro audio for a long time and watching a live concert at home at 100db+ jbl horns and jbl 18" subs to me do it for me unlike ive herd elsewhere.

Again these will and be paired with a tube preamp such as VAC.


Classe delta stereo - $10500
Pass labs x350.8 $14,200
Luxman M-10X - $16k
Gryphon diablo 300 - $17k
Parasound Halo JC 1+ monoblocks - $17500
Sim Audio 860A v2 Power Amplifier $19500
Classe Delta monos - $21000
Gryphon Audio Designs Essence Stereo Amplifier - $22,000
Constellation Audio Taurus Stereo Power Amplifier -$22,000
Boulder 1160 Stereo Amplifier $33,000.00
Dan D'Agostino Momentum S250 Stereo Amplifier $35,000.00
Element 118 Power Amplifier Monoblocks - $38000
Gryphon Antileon Evo Stereo Amplifier - $42,000
Gryphon Essence monos Amplifiers - $44,000

Great list of amps to demo. IMO, grab the Essence stereo or even the Diablo 300 and pocket the rest of the cash, which I always think thats just as fun to have in your pocket than to get the last 3%
If you had some time Capatal Audio Fest is this weekend.

Merrill will allow in home audition if serious about the Elemet, just contact them. Unless something has changed they were going to be at CAF.

I'm curious what the 350.8 was paired with, I've never heard Pass to sound thin. I do find them to sound what I call polite, I enjoy a more nimble response.

The amps on your list do vary in character you should find one or more to your liking.
Take aways from capitol audiofest

1) i really like horn speakers
2) i LOVE tubes
3) I need more bass then most i guess.

although the best of show for me was

IMO Bending wave in the Jackson room had the best sound and one of the most expensive set of components

Gobel Devin Marquis speakers - MSRP $80,000
Wadax Atlantic reference dac - MSRP $145,000
Wadax Server
CH precision preamp
Parasound Halo JC 1+ monoblocks

Absolutely Incredible Endgame sound!

I also really enjoyed hearing the JBL everest speakers in the VPI room.

The Randolfh room with Daedalus speakers , lampizator dac and VAC amps was impressive.

And really interesting the Black Ice Audio room sounded REALLY good with some more affordable components.. fantastic Their Fusion F360 preamp was very cool

From their website :

"The F360 takes the guess work out of dialing in the system and the room.

What is the ideal preamplifier - control, control, control. Welcome to the F360, a preamplifier which can contour sound to your preference.

Let’s start with the bass equalizer circuit designed to increase low bass impact up to 15dB without bass boom. Conversely, in the event of boomy bass, the bass equalizer can reduce the boom up to 15 dB. In addition, there is a high frequency equalizer circuit that can increase or decrease high frequency up to 11 dB. Of course you can bypass the low/high equalizers and just treat yourself to unfiltered sound with zero negative feedback.

Getting to business, the Dimension Pro circuit will add a greater sense of spatial range of width that is recongized beyond the walls of your room. The F360 is a stereo preamp that has an added bonus feature.

The 360 Space Matrix circuit adds the inclusion of rear speakers for soundstage depth reinforcement. Let the concert begin."
Why is so much power needed for those speakers? It seems like a nice 25-50wpc tube amp would be enough?