I am considering going Integrated...Luxman L-590ax-ii discontinued?

going thru various forums and Facebook groups, I'm surprised that there are quite a few people who went from Pass Lbs to Luxman integrated (a few the other way around as well).
The INT-60 might have a little more power than than the Luxman (after the first 30 watts in class A, up to about 80 watts in class A/B); most listeners have felt the Pass to be more detailed and dynamic, the Luxman more smooth, although like so many things the preference probably depends on the rest of your system (and I suspect the differences are minimal).
I prefer smooth. I'm not into the "wooly" tube sound, however, a tad on the warm side of neutral is fine with me. Bright and harsh is the only thing I cannot handle. Once I heard an Onkyo A/V receiver with mid level (non heritage) Klipsch towers at an a/v store and the person playing it cranked it up super loud. The most irritating sound I ever heard and actually swore I would never consider Klipsch based on that encounter. The brightness hurt my ears. Now, I don't know if the person fiddled with any tone settings. That was 20 years ago and I have since heard Klipsch heritage speakers that sound super smooth and almost warm.
My BHK Preamp is SOLD!! Next is my FirstWatt J2 and then I will start shopping around for an Integrated. So Far Luxman, Luxman is what I am leaning toward.
Not certain if i would sell it. probably the $2200 range which is what most private sellers are asking (some higher) when they pop up.
I actually have a mint Devialet D400 that I might be willing to sell. Original owner. Been wonderful over the years but thinking of maybe making a change.
...So Far Luxman, Luxman is what I am leaning toward.

I received my new Luxman L595A-SE integrated on Saturday and have about two days of running time on it. So far, so fantastic.

I was concerned about the relative low output, but it is a perfect match for my Sonus Faber speakers.

I was coming from an all-tube system. The Luxman's Class A solid state sound keeps all the warmth but is more transparent and has a more even tonal signature.

Very nice so far.
Many companies are focused on ESG and could be the reason. Then again, Luxman hasn’t sold a class A stereo amp in years.
I'm thinking to sell the 590axII. Let me know if anyone is interested.

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Hi, you could run a class A amp for 6 hours a week or class AB for 20, doesn't make any sense at all, wait until they start to faze out petrol and diesel cars out in 8 years, in a vast country like the states, you will be trapped at home, just about make work and back, don't believe the 280 mile range they quote,