Hegel vs. Pass - thoughts?

Update: pulled the trigger and ordered H30 yesterday. looking forward to playing around with preamp options and finding the rights match.

Congrats on the H30 Justin. Looking forward to the preamp you settle on.
I have a mint condition Pass XP-20 preamp, with a brand new Revelation Audio Labs CryoSilver Reference DB-25 Umbillical cable going up for sale shortly. Price will be 4k, plus shipping. At this price, I would think you could give it a thorough try-out.......and re-sell at no loss (if synergy is not found). You could pick up my Pass XS-150 monos as well, but it sounds like they may be above the budget you've set aside ?? Either way, good luck with your system.

Happy listening........Jerry-

Thanks Jerry - has anyone heard a Pass preamp with Hegel H30? At this point in the game I don't see buying anything I haven't heard, though. I've made a fundamental decision to only buy what I can hear first (after all, it seems with virtually any piece of gear you can find those who love it and those who don't, right?).

Unlike some of my previous purchases, I am going to try my best to completely disregard professional reviews while finding the right preamp. I will take my time and wait until the right match moves me.

H30 arrives tomorrow, I will be able to listen to Shindo Monbrison with it first. Based on how the Shindo sounds with my H20 right now, I don't think the match is ideal, but we shall see.

Keep you posted...
I had my H30 with my Pass XS preamp. Good match, but my honest opinion is that it needs a good tube preamp. VAC for example.

I've sent my VAC preamp to Mark (MDP) to try with his Hegel H30. Let's wait and see what his thoughts are.
I had my H30 with my Pass XS preamp. Good match, but my honest opinion is that it needs a good tube preamp. VAC for example.

I've sent my VAC preamp to Mark (MDP) to try with his Hegel H30. Let's wait and see what his thoughts are.

Ahhhh, Mark please do let me know what you think of VAC with H30. That combo is one that I am highly anticipating hearing.
Ahhhh, Mark please do let me know what you think of VAC with H30. That combo is one that I am highly anticipating hearing.

I can tell you that the H-30 sounds pretty darn good with the ARC Ref 5SE.
The only solid state preamp that I have heard that stopped me from going to a tube preamp was the Soulution 520!
I'm using my H30 with a McIntosh C500T. I have Revel Salon 2s and Raidho D1s. It is a great match. It lets all the Hegel great qualities shine, without a hint of edge, brightness or sibilance.
I agree with Bruce, I've heard his systems and everything sounds great. Could not ask for better performance from those combinations.

I'm using my H30 with a McIntosh C500T. I have Revel Salon 2s and Raidho D1s. It is a great match. It lets all the Hegel great qualities shine, without a hint of edge, brightness or sibilance.
Since folks here were so friendly and helpful after my last (and first) post, I was hoping to get some feedback here on differences between Hegel and Pass.

I am a relatively new audiophile (2+ years). I have Rockport Atria speakers and a newly delivered Berkeley Reference DAC. I currently have Hegel H20 and P20.

My default plan has been to upgrade to Hegel H30 and search far and wide for the right preamp to add some "magic" to the sound. Based on feedback here from last post, I opened my preamp search to tube preamps to mate with H30. Have only heard one relatively inexpensive, little hyped tube preamp (Rogue RP5), and while that will not be the answer, it was revelatory: there was an organic flow and tone to the music with this little preamp that I had missed in the SS preamps I've tried with the H30. I will listen to Rogue Hera II and a handful of other tube preamps in the coming days.

But, before going this route, the 1 amp that consistently grabs my attention from what I've heard is Pass. Can anyone comment on the differences between Hegel H30 and Pass 60.8's, for instance? Are the 60.8's adequate to drive my 87.5 db Atrias?

I feel I am at an important decision point in system design: go H30 and then solve for the missing variable (likely a tube preamp) - or track down Pass gear (might need to have out of town ship from Reno Hi-fi) to try out.

Words that might describe qualities I'm drawn to in electronics: ease of power, musical, sweet midrange, emotional, non-fatiguing, bloom, electric, lush, immediate. I am definitely not looking for the final word in transparency, bass, or soundstage. I have learned the hard way that I could care less what Stereophile or any expert says. It has value but nothing replaces my own ears. I want to hear Jerry Garcia on guitar or Miles on trumpet and have the maximum emotional response. But I need enough power and bottom end for this groove-based music that - at times - is played with some decent volume.

In short, I think the H30 can be a great fit - while matched with a preamp that sprinkles some magic dust on the overall sound.

How would an all Pass system compare?

Any thoughts? Should I do the easier thing and buy an amp that I've heard several dozen times and know I like (H30) or deal with the inconvenience of tracking down Pass gear?

Thanks for your help - this is such a great forum.
Hi Justin. I am in the same boat.
Yesterday I was able to audition in my apartment the H30/P20 combo and I was really impressed with my Harbeth M30.1.
Even the dealer was quite happy about the synergy and how the gear disappear from the space letting the music flow smoothly.
It certainly smoked my Luxman 590 AX integrated. No comparison specially on bass control department that it is quite important for me on room 18X12.
Do you have any idea the price kg this combo second hand ?

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