

Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
We’ve waited months for the Bakoon 13R replacement (called the Enleum 23R) to arrive, this little amp packs a musical punch! Building on the success of the Bakoon 13R, this little gem is the perfect amp for those choosing musicality over muscle. It works best with moderate to highly efficient speakers. The bass is the biggest surprise. Big bass punch from such a little amp. Mids are SET like and the top end is sweet. We opted for the special isolation footers as well. Pairs brilliantly with Fyne and Avantgarde.


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Mine has been playing all night. It’s spectacular. Big open soundstage, wonderful tone and air. Definitely surprising bass, especially for a small unit. Can’t wait for it to break in a little more.
Good to hear Joe. This little thing intrigues me for sure. Just trying to move away from real estate issues right now but of course the darn thing has to sound decent. Not chasing audio nirvana.
Understand, by the way I’m using Fleetwood Devilles. Wonderful combo.
All the descriptions of this amp sound like what I enjoy. How would this amp do with speakers rated "Impedance: > 5 ohm; Sensitivity: 89 db"? I listen mostly at fairly low volume. Room size is around 25x20x9-12ish (vaulted). Listening position about 9’
Would love to have some input from folks who understand this better than I, if anyone has a minute.
I think the speakers you describe could be great on the enelum amp but if you are referring to the scansonic speakers, I’m not sure. The enelum has an open, lit from within sound that is really great especially if the speakers tend to be fuller sounding. It’s a great integrated but a tiny bit shy in the meat on the bone sounding like naim or more classic class A amps. This is not a knock just an observation. Sort of a Job/Goldmund like sound.
I finally landed on the older Enleum, which was previously called Bakoon Int (Korean ones).

As Joe mentioned, you do get a lit up sound. I have the bigger one, Bakoon AMP-51R. Soon In described the bigger Bakoons tend to sound full and a bit more relaxed if I recall our conversation, from the 13R now 23R. I keep reading that as long as your speakers don’t dip too far from 8 Ohms, the amp will be happy. I believe thats essentially one of the very few cons I took notice on. The new one(s) may be more stable below the rated 8 ohms.

@joeinid I couldn’t agree with you more…the synergy would be on the advantage with speakers that are a tad laid back or fuller sounding. (The Devilles portray that in my experience.)

I find the amp (in referencing to Bakoon which still have most of the sonic signature with the new Enleum) never gets shouty or aggressive when pushed loud, like 90db+ (A bit more headroom with the 51R)
Its a beautiful sound, very addicting…especially at low volume. Its so ‘alive’ at low volume.
I absolutely agree with you too. Definitely a wonderful integrated that deserves respect.
I listen at what I think are generally low volumes, so maybe that's ok with the scansonic and the Enleum.

No idea if this is even close to valid but I used my phone with decibel meter software and listening at what would be about as loud as I ever would, the DBs were between 60-65 mostly, with some peaks up to maybe around 70-72db.

That help with the question on the match?
I think you'll be fine and the Enelum should actually make the Scansonic sound even better!
I’m not exactly sure but I think the original designer broke away from his partner(s) and went on his own.
Enleum arrived a little while ago and I have it connected and playing some tracks to get warmed up. Just some temporary ICs I had laying around for now while I wait for better ones coming tomorrow.

Unboxing it, my first reaction was surprise at how small it is. It's tiny! But oddly heavy for a small case. Feels well constructed. Aesthetically pleasing. Connecting it was a breeze; super simple back panel layout.

What I hear I already like. A lot. I'm not good with the audiophile adjectives but it's just very musical. Everything I've liked from amps I've had in past systems but so far without any of the weaknesses some of them had, and more musical than all of them. When I say "musical" I'm trying to get at "sounds like what I expect the music to sound like - instrument and voice timbres, placement, space, concussiveness, speed and tonality. No glare, no bloat, no smear. A natural and organic, musical quality that brings the speakers to life a bit more than a couple others I've tried so far.

The small # of watts (and my not terribly efficient speakers) hasn't translated to a lack of volume or oomph. It goes louder than I'll usually play while maintaining control throughout the frequency range - nothing sounds shrill, whoompy or bloated at any volume, and doesn't sound thin or anemic at lower volume.

Unfortunately can't use my beloved balanced/XLR HiDiamond ICs, so I'll get some quality ICs in there tomorrow and keep letting things settle in. Very optimistic, but even if nothing improves from off-the-truck and ICs pulled from a box in my closet, I can see enjoying listening to this amp very much.
This is an integrated you might want to look into during the process of your trials. The US distributor is a dealer in Nashville but he may have others closer. I've found this reviewer's descriptions over the years to be pretty accurate and reliable.

Circle Labs A200 – HiFi Knights

Also might want to try one of the Audia Flight units when Mike gets them in.
I just rounded off now almost a 6 hour listening session with my Bakoon 51R. (Same thing right???) This amp will be with me for a very long time. I might even find a twin to try them out in mono ;). Unbelievably musical, natural sounding, it wants to pull me in and look into the music or into the stage with the band…I’ve been listening at 50-55 db and i find no need to go louder to pull out anymore detail or dynamics at this volume cause its so clean and all there (to what my speakers can output)…the pace is just so upbeat with rhythmic tunes. I feel like such a bum today cause I haven’t really left the couch since afternoon today. Took a break for dinner and thats about it…I’ve been playing everything from pop, classical, 70/80s, soul, some orchestral, jazz…i just let my streamer invade my privacy and let it curate and randomly play music that it thinks i would like…i dont think I’ve skipped one single song yet.