Audia Flight


New member
Sep 20, 2015
Happy New Year to all!

I have slowly but surely become more interested in this brand over time. Have only read exemplary comments from owners and reviewers.
Looking into the workmanship it seems as good as any! Performing alongside other elite brands for a price point that isn't at the upper end of town..

Any owners of Audia Flight products able to share?


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I have read several positive reviews of the Strumento no.4, but not had a chance so far to audition.

Myles should be able to tell you more.

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From what I know about the Audio Flight Strumento amps, in particular the No 4 power amp is the Designer apparently admired Vitus approach of using UI-core transformers & developed his own UI-core tranny's for the Strumento series. I've heard the No4 amp a couple of times. It has a lot of power & sounds effortless. It is on the warm side of neutral, though not as warm as say the Vitus SS-102. Myles found this amp a touch on the dark side, though I didn't find that to be the case paired with Siltech cables, hence the amp is obviously good enough to convey differences in cables.

Overall the Strumento amps sound musical and fun & have oodles of power. Build quality is excellent, and they have attractive, modern-looking industrial design. I think the Vitus SS-102/SL-102 combo (of which I am familiar) sounds a bit more smooth/refined, resolving & organic, but the price tag is quite a bit higher also. If I had a medium-large size room & some power hungry speakers like the S5 Mk1's, the Strumento No1/No4 amps would be a no brainer. Here is a link to Myles review of the No4 fyi. Good luck with your auditions!
Just out of interest I compared the Vanessa Fernandes piece in Myles' second review video clip vs. the same played back in my own system with Ayres and Magicos. Of course, you lose ambience, soundstage, microdetails, resolution and other things in Myles' video feed, but what you can compare is the overall sound character, some of the dynamics and speed.

What I heard was an overall smoother presentation in my system, similar dynamics (while I think that this is one of the things where the Strumento really stands out) and also some of the darkness. Latter I did however not find to be unnatural or unpleasant.

I've also been thinking of the Audias and I think they could be a very good match with Magicos.

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I've been an Audia Flight fan for many years. I currently run the Flight Phono which is superb sounding and extremely flexible, and have the Flight Pre Mk.3 in storage. Had to move up to a Luxman C-900u preamp at several times the cost to significantly upgrade from their Pre. Very well built gear with a natural tonality and sense of space which is rarely found in most solid state electronics.
Old thread, but I thought I would add to it.

Just purchased a pair of Audia Flight Strumento no 8 mono blocks. They are very well built. (210 lbs) loads of clean power. Super smooth. I replaced a pair of audio research ref 160M mono blocks and I think the no8Â’s sound more tube like than the tubes did. Also 7x the power (into 4 ohmÂ’s) has really added some much needed headroom. I couldnÂ’t be happier with the purchase.
Just noticed that my system signature needs to be updated

Audia Flight strumento no8 mono blocks
Audio research ref 6SE preamp
Innuos statement streamer
Nagra tube DAC with PSU
Low distortion amps Tend to take on the personality of the pre amp being used , Dry , tooby , sterile , dynamic , etc ..
Old thread, but I thought I would add to it.

Just purchased a pair of Audia Flight Strumento no 8 mono blocks. They are very well built. (210 lbs) loads of clean power. Super smooth. I replaced a pair of audio research ref 160M mono blocks and I think the no8Â’s sound more tube like than the tubes did. Also 7x the power (into 4 ohmÂ’s) has really added some much needed headroom. I couldnÂ’t be happier with the purchase.

I have Audia Flight strumento No.4 mk2, since 8 weeks and they are incredible. They are fast, dynamic, effortless, neutral and very transparent. The combination with tube pre-amp (VAC) is extremely musical. I love it so much, I am thinking to buy another one to bi-amp my monitor Audio PL500II.
Old thread, but I thought I would add to it.

Just purchased a pair of Audia Flight Strumento no 8 mono blocks. They are very well built. (210 lbs) loads of clean power. Super smooth. I replaced a pair of audio research ref 160M mono blocks and I think the no8Â’s sound more tube like than the tubes did. Also 7x the power (into 4 ohmÂ’s) has really added some much needed headroom. I couldnÂ’t be happier with the purchase.

Not much owner reporting of this amp on the internet. I'm considering buying a pair. Dealer says it's a good match for Magico M3. Of course he would say that! But he's been right on the money for everything else I've bought from him.
I have had the Audis Flight STRUMENTO N°8 Mono-blocks for over two years now. They have been a great amps to build my system on. As others have said already, on the warm side of neutral. Very detailed. I couldn’t be happier with this piece of my system.
I have had the Audis Flight STRUMENTO N°8 Mono-blocks for over two years now. They have been a great amps to build my system on. As others have said already, on the warm side of neutral. Very detailed. I couldn’t be happier with this piece of my system.

I purchased the Audia Flight No 8 Mono blocks with the FLS 1 preamp. To het these amps to perform, my volume is around 95db and sonic image is not impressive. My $18K Parasound JC1 + simply out performed the No8. 80 to 85 db is lifeless, zero bass and weak mids. That said, when I installed the No8 amps, my XLR pin out were incorrect for pins one and two. The grounding noise was horrid. I reached out to audia flight asking if any damage may have been done, they said no. The reviews on the amps have been steller… something isnt right for me to feel this way about my amps.
I purchased the Audia Flight No 8 Mono blocks with the FLS 1 preamp. To het these amps to perform, my volume is around 95db and sonic image is not impressive. My $18K Parasound JC1 + simply out performed the No8. 80 to 85 db is lifeless, zero bass and weak mids. That said, when I installed the No8 amps, my XLR pin out were incorrect for pins one and two. The grounding noise was horrid. I reached out to audia flight asking if any damage may have been done, they said no. The reviews on the amps have been steller… something isnt right for me to feel this way about my amps.

Your description here sounds much more like out-of phase operation than any lack of class A .. bias