Allnic - Beauties from Korea.

Thanks for the info.
Hahaha Kev & Mark. Not try to hide anything but I really need some time to listen.

I think this unit has about 20 hours total maximum. Compare to 1500 Int amp is day and night.

It produce beautiful music and nice to look at as well.

However currently I do getting some hum sounds and Mark will come by this Monday and we will trying to find out what it is...Maybe its a normal maybe not. we will soon to find out.
It was an odd review, not what Allnic was looking for. Right Steve!
agreed that guy compares too many things to his $40k shindo gear. id hope it sounds better at twice the price. but it was a good review anyway. all i know is soundstage and presence are always he 2 words that come to mind everytime i hear allnic gear. im sold
u better send them to me to test out for you. :D
seriously im very glad you like them. !!!!! gonna take me awhile to save up, a long while but i want