Phono Preamp Recommendation


New member
Jan 20, 2016
The Matrix
Please give me some real world experiences and suggestions.
Under $5k, must have balanced out (balanced in a plus), high enough gain for low output MC but also at home with MM or MI cartridges. I lean more towards open holographic presentation.
A few I have considered. PS Audio Stellar, Parasound JC3+, BAT Vk-P6, Pass XP-17
Pass XP17. We had it in the store and loved it.

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I really enjoy my SimAudio NEO 310LP. It comes in at about $2k, has both SE and Balanced outputs (one of the reason I went with this one was the Balanced outs). Has a slew of settings for both MM and MC cartridges including gain up to 66db. When using the Balanced outputs the gain goes up to 72db. The 310 is also built like a tank using thick metal casing and the Toroidal Power Transformer is separated and isolated internally.
Audiospecials Phonolab (current euro puts it closer to $6k) has balanced inputs, two fully separate phono inputs (not on an input switch) and transformer balanced outputs. I am their USA dealer with inherent bias so won't comment on subjective qualities, but is technically superb. One to consider amongst the other excellent ones mentioned already.
I’m likely breaking a rule here, but i have a Parasound jc3+ in the marketplace. All of those discussed here work well.

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Esoteric E-03 (latest version is E-02) worked well for me with MM,MC and MI though single ended only. Accepts two inputs and up-front load adjustments. Currrently using a Viva Fono that I like a lot but it's MC only.
Well, that PS Audio Stellar would be on my list too. Great review by Mikey Fremer. And a very nice price if it delivers as stated. Definitely worthy of an audition.
There are many great phono amps. If you want flexibility have a look at the Octave phono module.
Also you can look at Modwright PH 9.0
A tube phono with MM and MC input. You can have a balance output.
I have one and love it.
I have a BAT VK-P5 that was factory upgraded to the p10 output stage and 6 pak output caps. The guts look like a P10 without the built in step up transformers. It is a great sounding phono stage. Used VK-P10’s come up for well within your budget and it would check all the boxes.
Has anyone heard the Boulder 508? Thinking of simplifying my system somewhat. On/off switch, and MC/MM switch as only choices. Perhaps cartridge choice would be a bit more limited.