Favorite affordable phono stage

I read the review and thought that this sounded interesting... I got to pull out the issue and reread the review. Thanks for reminding me!
Stephan, I came across this when looking and thought this seemed to be a very nice piece, and it’s Italian [emoji851]

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Many good suggestions. Most I have heard of, others not. All appear to have good quality behind them. Thank you for the suggestions. Seems like there are some very good choices in this price level!

Would love to continue hearing your opinions and suggestions.
I vote for Ear PhonoBox MM/MC Chrome
Great tube phono designed by Tim De Paravicini .
avid hifi has 4 phono stage models which are ascending in functionality and, presumably, price -- they look quite interesting but i have not heard any of them. seems well worth investigating.
I do have a line on one that is on my short list... a SimAudio MOON 310LP. We will see if it works out.

I really like the SimAudio 110LP v2 that I own, I simply thought the Rega was a slightly better match for my cartridge. But the 310 has a much better power supply, is internally dual mono in design, uses upgrade higher level parts, and most important it has balanced output and 72db gain!

Arek from Hattor very much wanted me to try a balanced phono stage. He believes that a balanced connection into the line stage is a nice improvement in conjunction with using a balanced output to the amplifier.
avid hifi has 4 phono stage models which are ascending in functionality and, presumably, price -- they look quite interesting but i have not heard any of them. seems well worth investigating.

We have all four Avid Phonostage in the store. They are surprisingly good. Sleepers. The top model which has a separate power supply is as good as anything we’ve heard under $10K. The entry level model certainly competes as well with similarly priced Phonostages.

Randy, the Sim is fantastic. If you’re considering that, the Pass XP17 is the shocker for us. Pass loaned us one for the Florida show and we loved it. We’ve ordered a XP27 because of how good the 17 sounded. The front adjustments will help with the various TT’s we have.

As a side, I was reading the latest TAS this morning and the reviewer was comparing the expensive TIDAL Phonostage to his SimAudio 810. Let’s just say, in a nice way, he said the 810 buried it.
Nice... the Pass would be a good choice, but we will see how the deal on the SimAudio works out. It is one year old and we are working out a possible trade... so maybe it will work. I think it would be a very nice upgrade for me if we can make it happen.

Update: Ok, it looks like the deal on the SimAudio MOON 310LP is a go. I am looking forward to receiving the unit!
The two phonostages that are very affordable that have stood out to me are the MoFi Studiophono for $300, it will handle both MM and MC cartridges and is is quiet even at the 66db loading, sound is much better than I expected.
The second is the E.A.T. E-Glo petit for $1500.00. this was insanley good for the money. Lots of easy to get to loading options and very quiet while using the 70db gain option. If you add the E.A.T. LPS linear power supply for $1300 it gets even better at everything it already does well.
I appreciate all the info and suggestions. Very informative! I have chosen a new phono stage. Came across a deal and trade on one high on my list! I am now the proud owner of a SimAudio MOON 310LP!!!

Please keep the discussion going. I love reading about other brands and other Shark members opinions!
Congrats Randy, let us know of your listening impressions :D

First evening listening it was very impressive. I also believe it will probably need a bit of breaking back in. It is about a year old but I assume has not been used for a while. I totally expect it to get a bit better still.
Folks, since a phonostage was mentioned, just recently we launched a black little thing known as iPhono3 Black Label, and there's an ongoing competition:

Who is up for the iPhono3 Black Label #NoiseFloorChallenge?

Have a chance to win a prestigious iFi audio PowerStation for taking part! Find out more and how to enter HERE!

Entries close 31st July!