Mimas integrated


New member
Sep 13, 2015
Anyone heard the new Mimas integrated or even better bought one. Would love to hear how it sounds.
Wow does it look impressive. I have a lot of friends who sell Aesthetix gear. I have owned a few pieces, including the highly upgraded Rhea and have loved it all. I'm sure this integrated will hit above the bar. I need to audition this soon, lol.
3 months on. Any new owners here or members that have heard one yet?
I've spoken to a few friends who have heard it on Vandersteen Quatro CT woods and have fallen in love. Two of them have ordered it. Everyone I have spoken with have said it would still be great and they would buy it at 15k. I can belive it as Jim really knows how to design gear that should go for at least 50% more than it does. I owned his Rhea in base form for a bit and loved it. Then it needed to go back for something small and they put in a whole new power supply to the newest and also some StealthCaps. It took it to a different level. I'd own any of their gear and be happy as many know.
Good to know. I'm looking forward to one arriving in the UK that I can hear.