

Jul 5, 2014
Tampa FL
Until now, over the 25+ years I have been involved in this hobby, all the room treatments I have used were purchased and placed by me without any professional assistance or analysis. While I have to say that the end results were satisfying, I always wondered what would happen if a proper computer model of my room was created and the specified treatments installed. Enter Mike at Suncoast Audio and Vicoustics. As you can see from the pictures, the result of the project was aesthetically very satisfying. While I haven't fired up the system yet, I couldn't wait to give a shout out to Vicoustics for their very detailed proposal and measurements and to the Suncoast team for their installation efforts. The install was a grueling task that took place over four days. Every treatment was precisely positioned and expertly mounted. I'm very happy with the result. More on the actual sound in the next few days. I can say even without any critical listening that the ever present slap echo I've suffered with in the room for years has vanished. I have high expectations for the sound.

Slightly off topic, but significant: I live in Florida and was plagued with power outages from the local utility company. The Wadax server and DAC don't like outages and require reboots that are extremely annoying any time there is an outage (usual one or two every week, varying from momentary to 2-3 hours). I cringe when they happen especially the utility's patented on/off/on/off for hours. I wondered how long it would be before my gear had to go back to Europe for a repair.

Mike at Suncoast listened to my complaints and recommended a StromTank 2500 power supply for my pre-amp, DAC and Server. This is a genius device that consists of batteries and control software/circuitry. It operates in two selectable modes. The first (On Grid) charges the batteries from your utility while battery power is available to your gear. This makes the StromTank a very capable UPS. I use this mode for all times when I am not listening to music as I leave my gear on / in standby all the time. Power interrupts are now invisible to the delicate parts of my system.

The second mode (Off Grid) isolates the gear from the grid and feeds your system (minus sub woofers and power amp) with pure battery power. The stored energy will last for hours without the need to recharge.

The design reminds me of Dan D'Agostino's amplifiers with a steam punk gage on the front panel showing mode (in color) and the charge status. I understand that Dan is the US distributor for the StromTank which is manufactured in Germany. After seeing the front gage, I just wonder how much Dan contributed to the design. I have owned several Krell/D'Agostino amps so if he was involved, it is just one more reason to embrace this technology.

Pics of the install below. Many thanks to Mike, Little Mike and Matt at Suncoast and the entire team at Vicoustics. Hello Nirvana.



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Thank you for the kind words Eric. Your room looks INCREDIBLE!

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SUPER NICE!!!! Congrats.
Will be very interested to hear your opinion on the sound quality improvements.
Any chance of some pictures taken from the equipment end, showing the "listening" end of the room?
Congrats, Cincy2!
Am i wrong or you had Magico speakers? If so - you are the first person i know, that have moved from Magico to B&W. Would you tell us more?
Congrats, Cincy2!
Am i wrong or you had Magico speakers? If so - you are the first person i know, that have moved from Magico to B&W. Would you tell us more?

The move is really from Magico to Rockport Orions. They had such a long lead time that I purchased the (excellent, amazing value) 802D4's to use in the interim. They punch way above their weight. I've had four other versions of this speaker over the years. B&W can be trusted to deliver the goods.

Right there with you Eric...

When we built our house including a dedicated listening room some 15 years ago I initially went with all ASC treatments (based off of their recommendations for my room), including a handful of tube traps and a bunch of their wall panels. After much experimenting with the quantity and placement of everything I was never really happy with how my room sounded. Based on some others' experiences/feedback I contacted Vicoustics and submitted all the details of my room maybe 5-6 years ago. From their "good, better, best" options I went with "best", which included ceiling treatments like you have. They sent PDFs of all kinds of stuff, including very detailed installation instructions which I followed meticulously. Lots of man hours of labor room sounds fantastic! They were such a pleasure to work with and everything looks great as well. Can't recommend them highly enough.

i am a bit confused....has the installation / result be done without any listening?

Vicoustics uses an extensive software program based on drawings, measurements, door/window layouts and photos of the listening rooms to show in depth (graphs) what is required. The customer gets an extensive report showing what is suggested and what they will expect in terms of improvements and why.

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Eric your room looks incredible! Mike B, Mike M and Matt did an awesome job with the Vicoustic products.
You will be ready to get the most from the Rockport Orion’s when they arrive.
This is inspiring. I have a ‘dog’s breakfast’ of room treatments and could really use some expert insight. I have products from Vicoustics, GIK and Stillpoints in my room or in ‘time out’. It is almost a quarterly game of musical chairs in my room.

Time to put some real thought into my room treatment scheme.
I spent 30 minutes with some of my favorite files just now. Everything i expected to happen happened. The images in the soundstage appear with pin point accuracy. The stage is broad and deep, much more so than the untreated room could present. Percussive instruments (piano, drums etc) begin and end sharply. Low level detail is enhanced. Bass is as tight as I have ever heard. Backgrounds are black as night. Conclusion: the room is no longer in the way of revealing what the gear is capable of delivering. That is what we strive for. The objective has been achieved. My advice is to let the experts develop a treatment plan for your room. I could only perform a mediocre job of it.

I haven't listened with the gear running on pure battery power yet. Tomorrow. I need to take a shower.......

The move is really from Magico to Rockport Orions. They had such a long lead time that I purchased the (excellent, amazing value) 802D4's to use in the interim. They punch way above their weight. I've had four other versions of this speaker over the years. B&W can be trusted to deliver the goods.


Will you keep the B&W subs when the Orions arrive?
Will you keep the B&W subs when the Orions arrive?

Yes. They are an amazing source of bass. The 802's are no slouch but I've gotten used to the added grunt that a sub brings to a two channel presentation.
