Accuphase E-800

EDITED - This is turning into something that it shouldn't. My offer to help remains.

Yes - and if Suavek is interested in procuring an E-800, I am happy to provide him the contact information of the dealer who sold me mine but will not publicly post another dealer's contact information here out of respect for Mike. He can just send me a PM.
Yes - and if Suavek is interested in procuring an E-800, I am happy to provide him the contact information of the dealer who sold me mine but will not publicly post another dealer's contact information here out of respect for Mike. He can just send me a PM.

Putting THAT persons info on this page in particular would probably result in a permanent ban with no hope for parole. :)
Yup! I was offered one in Canada when I was contemplating my initial purchase. $17,000 CDN all in (including GST and provincial sales tax). So that is approx $13,500 US!

Had the same offer from probably the same Montreal dealer. BTW they no longer sell Accuphase, according to what's available on their web site.
Accuphase E800 MSRP went up and currently it is $25,000. Best price I could get from authorized distributor here in US was $18,000 delivered.
Yup! I was offered one in Canada when I was contemplating my initial purchase. $17,000 CDN all in (including GST and provincial sales tax). So that is approx $13,500 US!

I was told by my Canadian Accuphase dealer that the margin for Accuphase in Canada is low. Lower than other European brands such as Gryphon, ANUK etc. With the new distributor and dealer network, I don't think you can get the E800 all in for 17K any longer. I got mine for quite a bit higher.
E650 and E800 have both a high efficiency transformer. I could not find something more accurate. Someone can help?
For example, the Luxman l590ax2 has a 615VA transformer.
I live on the other side of the world, my E-800 arrived intact, and it was transported by ship, I believe that both the inner box and the outer box are of excellent quality!
I love my Accuphase setup!

E-800 + C-47 + DG-68 + DP-570

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-20 at 21.11.09.jpeg
Hi Nascimento,
On the photograph’s side, I guess you are a lucky owner of nice Tannoy speakers. Am I right ?
When I read different thread about Highend Tannoy speakers, they match so well with Jazz, some prefer Magnepan for classical, and Klipsch for rock. It is difficult to have several different speakers in the same room, even house.
So Nascimento, congratulations for your nice system.
Several speakers only necessary with compromised designs , a well designed loudspeaker will allow only the recording to dictate ....

When I read different thread about Highend Tannoy speakers, they match so well with Jazz, some prefer Magnepan for classical, and Klipsch for rock. It is difficult to have several different speakers in the same room, even house.
So Nascimento, congratulations for your nice system.

Thank you very much! I recognize that it's not the best loudspeaker to play rock and roll, but I hear so little that it doesn't bother me!