Accuphase A-70

Any thoughts on A70 vs A65 and A60? I wonder if the increased damping factor offers a faster, delineated bottom end... :rolleyes:
I love the A70, but I don't have any experience with the previous models to compare it to. I know that the A70 within it's power capabilities is every bit as good as the A200s.

If you don't need the power of the A200s then the A70 is your amp.
I love the A70, but I don't have any experience with the previous models to compare it to. I know that the A70 within it's power capabilities is every bit as good as the A200s.

If you don't need the power of the A200s then the A70 is your amp.

Jock what is the price range on this beast ?
I love the A70, but I don't have any experience with the previous models to compare it to. I know that the A70 within it's power capabilities is every bit as good as the A200s.

If you don't need the power of the A200s then the A70 is your amp.

What if you used 2 A-70s in dual-mono (not bridged) mode? I noticed you can do both via the literature.
Cool! Then it's probably the amp I'm gonna upgrade to from what use now (Bryston 4BSST) I hope there will be a big jump in performance, all things considered. :cool:

Accuphase is excellent, but don't discount Pass XA.8 either. You'll have more heat to deal with, but worth consideration none the less.

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No comparison.

The A-70 is heads above the P-6100. More finesse, wider and better placed soundstage, sweet mids and tight bass. The P-6100 has more power if you absolutely need it, but it doesn't have the Accuphase soul that their Class A products have.
Which is a better rocker? I found the P-6100 to be a bit on the bright side when paired with the C-2420 and played on more aggressive music. Of course that could have been my Focal Scalas.
The A-70 is definitely not as bright as the P-6100. Could be really great with the Focals, but I haven't heard that combo. The A-70 in it's power range sounds almost identical to the A-200s.

Which is a better rocker? I found the P-6100 to be a bit on the bright side when paired with the C-2420 and played on more aggressive music. Of course that could have been my Focal Scalas.
The A70 compared to the A65 has a tighter grip on the speakers due the higher damping factor... a little more refine... but my a70 is not yet brokem in so its hard to tell. Either of the amps is great !!
I installed my new A-70 in my system yesterday and have run it a few hours so far. Very impressive thus far and quite different sounding than my previous A-65. The A-70 sounds more powerful, smoother and has better bass. The meters indicate one watt or less of power output at normal listening levels with my 92 db efficient Focals. I am waiting to decide which preamp to run it with. This is without a doubt one of the finest amplifiers on the market.