Olympics doping

I am not surprised. It's not about the sport and friendly competition any more, it' JUST about winning.

At least Phelps only Smoked his Dope :)
So what. Drugs are here to stay.

Drugs should be legal. Let them do whatever it takes to get better and better. Better coaches, better vitamins, better diets, better drugs.

There are some downsides to steroids, but they're just part of the price you may have to pay to get into the record books. It's no different than risking breaking your neck doing a spinning dismount from the balance beam or uneven parallel bars.

I'm dead serious.
Personally, I suspect pharmaceutical steroids used correctly can be more beneficial than harmful. On the other hand, who can forget the East German women swimmers.
No surprise there! Wouldn't be surprised the number is closer to 5 out of 7 that dope up unfortunately. Were there is money, power and glory people will try to cheat. Drugs can only be detected for a short period of time after being taken so it's pretty easy to take drugs nowadays and pass the tests as testing is only done in competition for amateur sports and with advance warning from the association for professional sports. The sports federation and conglomerate that own franchises do not want their athletes to be caught due to negative press, they have seen what cycling has gone through, so they make sure they don't get caught.

The exception to this is cycling where athletes have to tell their whereabouts on a continual basis, they are tested in and out of competition, during and off season, at any time of day (including the night). Lastly the Federation keep profiles of all relevant blood and biological markers for each cyclist, any variation out of the norm is considered doping. The funny thing is they still try to cheat, the latest one Tom Danielson this morning, they just try to be more creative by micro dosing. I'm forced to say it is working as they catch less and less.

I used to think like Gary, let them all be equally doped up but I found a few problems to that approach. Not all athletes get the same improvement in performance through the use of PED's (performance enhancing drugs) is the first, some athletes actually do worse on drugs than not. Then there are many direct and indirect death caused by drugs, there used to be a time where cyclist would be found dead in the morning their blood being too thick due to EPO use ( it's well recorded that cyclist wake up at night and exercise to get the blood flowing when they felt arrhythmia). There are evidence of continued illegal substance abuse after (sometimes during) their sports careers, there is strong evidence that points to the fact that athletes don't know where to draw the line between PED's and the other illegal drugs. Lastly and most important is do we really want to teach our kids to value cheats? I for one don't want to promote those values. Right now it's hidden and the powers to be are making sure that it's not well known but if it came out to the light of day I'd be curious to see how many kids would be playing soccer with their parents blessing, same for hockey, basketball and all the other sports if it was known that all professional athletes were doped up.

Exercise is great for the body and mind, as far as I'm concerned lets increase the fight in all sports to make sure they eradicate PED's. Cycling as found a way to drastically reduce the cheats with their testing procedure and Biological Passport so why don't other sport do it, it's the money I say!
Those in the area know this is such as gross oversimplification as to be ridiculous. Drugs only having a short half-life? Some perhaps. But most tests are not for the primary drugs but their metabolites that stay around for a lot longer time.

And the same goes with some of the statements here. Gary perhaps you might like to tell us about the development of testosterone and it's anabolic derivates in the '40s and '50s. And BTW, do you think PEDs/steroids all work the same way and have the same safety? Hardly. Not to mention there are water and oil based anabolic steroids. Probably more of what is being discussed especially in the case of endurance athletes probably has zip, nada, zero to do with PEDs too and more to do with Epogen and its derivatives and blood doping.

Right now this is all innuendo. Saying something looks higher is total BS. There is so much going on in drug testing that people seem to be unaware of. Does anyone know what passport testing is? How about phthalate testing? And do people realize that the US, Canada and UK have the strictest testing of all countries? Sure there are cheaters and there will always be.

And there are other things more sophisticated going on like gene doping. Whether it works is another story. Not to mention PEDs are actually old news and the new drugs are probably Myotstatin inhibitors. (aside from those who try microdosing but they are being successfully caught.)
Olympics do we even need them the risk of a bomb or worse. The countries that cheat by doping . The cost to put a Olympics on. I just wonder is it worth it.

If you want to reduce doping a couple of ideas one better testing two if a person is proven to be doping he she is banned forever along with their couch. Their country is banned from that Olympics and the next. All Metals won by that country that year are void. Make it that tough and a lot less will cheat. Couches and Countries are as much to blame as the person doing the doping . Just my humble IMO

Or as Gary says pump them full of rocket fuel shove a candle up their back side and let them go.
I don't think I said exactly that!:) but just legalize it.

That's a total cop out and something only a non-athlete or someone who doesn't know any Olympic athletes would say. (and I was an aspiring Olympian in my day.) I know quite a few Olympians and none support your statement. In fact, the number of Americans caught is infinitesimally small compared to the total number of athletes. In fact, it's just like cases of voter fraud here; nothing has been proven but lots of accusations. In fact, nothing that would hold up in court, not to mention the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
Personally, I suspect pharmaceutical steroids used correctly can be more beneficial than harmful. On the other hand, who can forget the East German women swimmers.

Its all about micro-dosing now. Plus combined with Soviet-era techniques, ie combo with SYSTEMIC enzymes to control mini-inflamations from heavy training...you have a winner. Yes, you too can become Oly champ. loL
No surprise there! Wouldn't be surprised the number is closer to 5 out of 7 that dope up unfortunately. Were there is money, power and glory people will try to cheat. Drugs can only be detected for a short period of time after being taken so it's pretty easy to take drugs nowadays and pass the tests as testing is only done in competition for amateur sports and with advance warning from the association for professional sports. The sports federation and conglomerate that own franchises do not want their athletes to be caught due to negative press, they have seen what cycling has gone through, so they make sure they don't get caught.

The exception to this is cycling where athletes have to tell their whereabouts on a continual basis, they are tested in and out of competition, during and off season, at any time of day (including the night). Lastly the Federation keep profiles of all relevant blood and biological markers for each cyclist, any variation out of the norm is considered doping. The funny thing is they still try to cheat, the latest one Tom Danielson this morning, they just try to be more creative by micro dosing. I'm forced to say it is working as they catch less and less.

Exercise is great for the body and mind, as far as I'm concerned lets increase the fight in all sports to make sure they eradicate PED's. Cycling as found a way to drastically reduce the cheats with their testing procedure and Biological Passport so why don't other sport do it, it's the money I say!
Huh? Athletics is the MOST tested sport! Countries test, WADA tests and the IAAF directly test athletes OOC.
The biggest names gets tested the most (IC and OOC) but they never test positive until years later, if ever.

There has been bio-passports for years now and samples of Oly podium athletes since 2000 or 2004 have been stored for retesting with more spohisticated methods, so that retroactive DQs can take place. Athletes have to always make available their whereabouts and if they miss 3 out of competition (OOC) surprise tests for any reason, there is an automatic suspension.

What is missing is a collective WILL to relentlessly enforce the existing rules and for the corrupt agendas to end, most certainly that of WADA. I recall figures for WADA when Dickk OPound was inchanrge in about 2006 when the total budget was $27m and the amount actually spent in Testing was less than $3m. HQ running expenses on the other hand were more than $11. Makes sense, as Waldorf-Astoria hotel bills dont run cheap. LoL
Olympics do we even need them the risk of a bomb or worse. The countries that cheat by doping . The cost to put a Olympics on. I just wonder is it worth it.

If you want to reduce doping a couple of ideas one better testing two if a person is proven to be doping he she is banned forever along with their couch. Their country is banned from that Olympics and the next. All Metals won by that country that year are void. Make it that tough and a lot less will cheat. Couches and Countries are as much to blame as the person doing the doping . Just my humble IMO

Or as Gary says pump them full of rocket fuel shove a candle up their back side and let them go.

Your suggestion is in violation of NATURAL justice.
Those in the area know this is such as gross oversimplification as to be ridiculous. Drugs only having a short half-life? Some perhaps. But most tests are not for the primary drugs but their metabolites that stay around for a lot longer time.

And the same goes with some of the statements here. Gary perhaps you might like to tell us about the development of testosterone and it's anabolic derivates in the '40s and '50s. And BTW, do you think PEDs/steroids all work the same way and have the same safety? Hardly. Not to mention there are water and oil based anabolic steroids. Probably more of what is being discussed especially in the case of endurance athletes probably has zip, nada, zero to do with PEDs too and more to do with Epogen and its derivatives and blood doping.

Right now this is all innuendo. Saying something looks higher is total BS. There is so much going on in drug testing that people seem to be unaware of. Does anyone know what passport testing is? How about phthalate testing? And do people realize that the US, Canada and UK have the strictest testing of all countries? Sure there are cheaters and there will always be.

And there are other things more sophisticated going on like gene doping. Whether it works is another story. Not to mention PEDs are actually old news and the new drugs are probably Myotstatin inhibitors. (aside from those who try microdosing but they are being successfully caught.)

TUEs help a lot....Therapeutic USE exemptions. Check out which athletes use them the most and target those.
Olympics do we even need them the risk of a bomb or worse. The countries that cheat by doping . The cost to put a Olympics on. I just wonder is it worth it.

I'm going to have to agree with this also. It seems like a joke anymore. When I grew up, no Professional Athletes were allowed to compete. Now it's all Pros in the games.

The next Summer Olympics will be great for Swimmers, who will be training and swimming in raw sewage. How does a place like that even get picked for hosting if it's not safe to compete?

Then they just announced Beijing, a warm weather city, will be hosting Winter Olympics and every event will be away from the city with man-made snow. How is that even fair to a competing skier? And how do cities where it is not cold enough to have Winter get picked to host a Winter Olympics?
I'm going to have to agree with this also. It seems like a joke anymore. When I grew up, no Professional Athletes were allowed to compete. Now it's all Pros in the games.

The next Summer Olympics will be great for Swimmers, who will be training and swimming in raw sewage. How does a place like that even get picked for hosting if it's not safe to compete?

Then they just announced Beijing, a warm weather city, will be hosting Winter Olympics and every event will be away from the city with man-made snow. How is that even fair to a competing skier? And how do cities where it is not cold enough to have Winter get picked to host a Winter Olympics?

Wow Avery Brundidge still lives. And Olympic athletes starved to death to train and compete. Yeah right, lived on nothing. I know. That's what I want to continue.
. . . Then they just announced Beijing, a warm weather city, will be hosting Winter Olympics and every event will be away from the city with man-made snow. How is that even fair to a competing skier? And how do cities where it is not cold enough to have Winter get picked to host a Winter Olympics?

I'm just glad it ISN'T in the US.

Let some other country foot the bill and take the other risks of bringing crowds of people together.

Any belief that it's a great honor to host the Olympics is greatly misguided.

They should build a permanent stadium in Greece and ALWAYS do it there.
Wow Avery Brundidge still lives. And Olympic athletes starved to death to train and compete. Yeah right, lived on nothing. I know. That's what I want to continue.

I had to look him up, but yes it does look like I identify with him on some points, like amateurism for sure. What fun is is watching the same Pro Athletes that we see all the time while there are thousands of aspiring young athletes trying to compete and "Become a Pro Athlete" later in life?

""As president, Brundage fought strongly for amateurism and against commercialization of the Olympic Games, even as these stands came to be seen as incongruous with the realities of modern sports. His final Olympics as president, at Munich in 1972, was marked by controversy: at the memorial service following the murder of 11 Israeli athletes by terrorists, Brundage decried the politicization of sports and, refusing to cancel the remainder of the Olympics, declared "the Games must go on". Although Brundage's statement was applauded by those in attendance, his decision to continue the Games has since been harshly criticized, and his actions in 1936 and 1972 seen as evidence of anti-Semitism. In retirement, Brundage married a German princess; he died in 1975.""
I had to look him up, but yes it does look like I identify with him on some points, like amateurism for sure. What fun is is watching the same Pro Athletes that we see all the time while there are thousands of aspiring young athletes trying to compete and "Become a Pro Athlete" later in life?

""As president, Brundage fought strongly for amateurism and against commercialization of the Olympic Games, even as these stands came to be seen as incongruous with the realities of modern sports. His final Olympics as president, at Munich in 1972, was marked by controversy: at the memorial service following the murder of 11 Israeli athletes by terrorists, Brundage decried the politicization of sports and, refusing to cancel the remainder of the Olympics, declared "the Games must go on". Although Brundage's statement was applauded by those in attendance, his decision to continue the Games has since been harshly criticized, and his actions in 1936 and 1972 seen as evidence of anti-Semitism. In retirement, Brundage married a German princess; he died in 1975.""

Since you weren't aware of Brundage until just now, I'm confident in saying that Brundage's idea of amateurism might not be in line with your own. It is well known among those who followed the Olympics history closely that Brundage was a hypocrite who pushed to maintain strict amateurism while aggressively profiting handsomely from it. In fact, it can be reasonably argued that he pushed to maintain amateurism to maintain control over the athletes for the purpose of allowing him to profit from their ventures. He couldn't have profited as such legally under the present system. For the record, I'm uneasy about the naked professionalism of today's Olympic athletes, but at least they are not suffering years of hardship to pursue their dreams while being quickly forgotten about after their careers were over, with a few notable exceptions. They are also not being exploited for profit without at least profiting themselves. Almost no one connected with the Olympics wants to be associated with Brundage at this point, even most of his former allies.

As far as doping is concerned, this surprises no one who follows the Olympics and Track and Field in particular. If you applied the doping standards of Pro Cycling and Track & Field to any popular professional team sport, such as Football, Soccer, and Baseball, a lot more players in those leagues would get popped. The point is that cyclists and track athletes get popped more in part because they have stricter standards to adhere to. For instance, if you take enough Benadryl, you will flunk a cycling or T&F doping test. So don't get a nasty head cold without telling the governing body. Even if you disclose the illness and remedy ahead of time, you're not in the clear if they determine they don't like the test results anyway. https://www.erowid.org/pharms/diphenhydramine/diphenhydramine_testing.shtml
Drug Information Group