Measuring RCM decibles during drying the cycle


Taking a break
Jan 10, 2015
RCMs are louder or quieter than others - but that is subjective [option based] and - irrelevant.

I have purchased the Extech 407750 30 Decibel to 130 Decibel Sound Level Meter with RS232 Computer Interface and Background Sound Absorber

In the meantime, I did download the an iPhone APP: JL Audio to get a very rough measurement idea of the noise DB.

These are the results, accurate doubtful, but does give some idea. I held my iPhone mic exactly 12inches from each unit.

Clear Audio Double Matrix Sonic: 89.2 DB
VPI HW27 Typhoon: 108.6 DB
Audio Desk Systeme: 92.1 DB
Klaudio: 90.2 DB

All the RCMs create noise.

The VPI vacuum drying cycle is the shortest because you can control the plater cycle yourself with the flip of the switch.

The Clear Audio, quietist, is 2nd place for the drying cycle by only a few seconds behind the VPI.

The Claudio can be set 0-5 minutes for its drying cycle

The Audio Desk is a 5 minute dry cycle. No control that I know of.
Note: Spelling Error: Decibles is a spelling error. Should be Decibels. Oops.