Looking for Experience with the Cary Audio SA-200.2 or SA-500.1 amps ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
Have you heard them or do you own them? Thoughts?

Hi Joe I just saw this. I was at an audio store down south a few years ago and I heard all the Cary stuff. All their amps and preamps are are really nice, and all of them sound fabulous in their pricerange. I almost bought their amps and pres several times but some deal always got in the way. Now things are different for me I would like to re hear(if that's a word)their stuff again. The audio doctor in JC is a dealer not too far from me or you. I been trying to get out there for a couple months. I would love to hear this 200.2
The 211's and the slp 05 again. I loved that preamp and if it had a phonostage in it I would own it. Only reason I picked the hovland over it was I couldn't afford to buy a pre and pho stage at the time. I'm going to call him and setup a appointment to hear some other stuff, I will find out what Cary products he has to listen to.
I had this amp on loan. Very, very good for the price. Even at twice the price it would hold its own IMO. Very fluid and natural sounding, if a bit on the soft/warm side. Excellent stage depth and layering. Bass is a bit tubey sounding - in that regards the former CAD-200 was better (but had nowhere near as much transparency and air). I liked it better than the dartzeel in my system.

I had it at home when Pedro (aka Portugal) visited me earlier this year, together with the Diamond DAC and Sashas. To say that he was impressed with the sound, would be an understatement.
Thanks Steve,

If you get a chance to hear it, please let me know.


I believe it's a great amp. I've wanted one for a long time and believe I'd appreciate its sonic signature. I know you would not recommend something that you did not like.
SA-200.2 in black:


Sorry for the dust on the Metrum.