Oppo 105 Review

I think the Oppo 105 is unique due to its DAC configuration for HT and two channel, but also for its new asynchronous USB vs the 95.
It certainly throws the whole cost for performance ratio out of whack! Those guys at Oppo are amazing. What a great success story.
I have both and I would agree Bob. Very slight though. You know, if you don't need video, the old 83SE (if you can find one) is a heck of a deal.
It certainly throws the whole cost for performance ratio out of whack! Those guys at Oppo are amazing. What a great success story.

+1. I've had a couple different Oppo players through the years and their products and service dept. are what all companies should strive to be like. Top notch for sure.
+1. I've had a couple different Oppo players through the years and their products and service dept. are what all companies should strive to be like. Top notch for sure.

+1! I have three Oppos and love each one of them. Even my 5 year old 980H works flawlessly. My next universal player/streamer will be an Oppo as well. No question.
My impressions on the Oppo BDP-105 UCDP, i was hearing & reading about oppo here oppo there and i was wondering what was the fuss all about so curiosity killed the cat, i have been pro cd since 1983 i have owned around 12 different cdp's MOST of them over 3k, i had a friend selling his 6 months old BDP-95 he was upgrading to the BDP-105 because his brother told him that it was worth it, so i bought the BDP-95 as backup to my Chord One, well i was so surprised of the sound of this unit that after three days i decided to sell it and by the BDP-105, all i can say is that in more than 40 years into this passion i think that the purchase of the ( BDP-105 ) was probably the third or fourth NEW unit that i bought, i rarely buy new and i am very very happy, is the 105 as good as my Chord One the answer is NO but it is almost seven times cheaper and pretty darn close for now i have been using it only for cd playback.

PS: The two brothers that i was talking about both owned 20k cd players before they went to the Oppo's BDP-105 and told me that they will NEVER spend that kind of money on a cd player again.
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+1! I have three Oppos and love each one of them. Even my 5 year old 980H works flawlessly. My next universal player/streamer will be an Oppo as well. No question.

Esteban, Can you compare the Oppo 95's analog out to the newer/cheaper 103? Does either unit have an advantage when using USB in?
Esteban, Can you compare the Oppo 95's analog out to the newer/cheaper 103? Does either unit have an advantage when using USB in?

I'm afraid I have not tried the analog outs of the 103, since I only use it as a BD/DVD player. HDMI out only. Mine is also modified for region-free/code-free playback. I use it exclusively for movies. But I do not think it would compare favorably to the 95 when it comes to 2-ch. audio playback. The 95 has the better DAC, analog stage, power supply, etc.
I do not have the sophisticated equipment to test everything, but I have owned the Oppo 95 for several years a replaced it with the Oppo 105. But first:

I started my main system with the Pioneer Elite 9 Blu Ray player. I moved that into our bedroom and replaced it with the Oppo 95. I cannot begin to tell you the incredible difference. First the Oppo started quicker. Also, for updates the Oppos do them automatically, I had to check the internet and manually do the Pioneer.

The picture and sound was overwhelming better. The images were sharper and had more color. The movement was less jittery. The sound was so much better too. The separation was better, , the tone, the fidelity were so much better. The bass was deeper and much more prevalent, to the point where I didn’t think my Thiel subwoofer was keeping up with it.

In December, when the Pioneer broke, rather than fixing it, I moved the 95 into the bedroom and bought the 105. (By doing this I convince myself I am not wasting money).

My conclusions are simple: Everything got a better, the sound, the picture, the “starting time” but not by a huge amount as when I went from the Pioneer to the 95. The picture is more vibrant and sharper and the subtleties in lighting, in such movies as Cabaret, really come through.

I am sure that in the higher ranges there may be a better blu ray player. I just haven’t seen it.


Amplifier (center) Krell FPB 450Mcx
Amplifier (front 2 channel) Krell Evolution 600e
Amplifier (3 channel) Proceed HPA-3
Blu-Ray Player Oppo BDP 105
CD/SACD Payer Krell Cypher
Controller (Surround Sound) Krell 707 3D
FM Tuner Day Sequerra FM Reference
HDTV Receiver Verrizon
Headphones Stax Lambda Pro
Internet Radio Sonos
Laser Disc Pioneer Elite DLV-91
Rears and Back Surround Thiel Powerplanes
Record Cleaner VPI 17
Speakers Revel Ultima Salon 2
Center Channel Revel Ultima Voice 2
Sub-Woofer SVS SB-13 Ultras
Turntable VPI 19 Mark 4
Tonearm SME 309
Turntable Stylus Audioquest 404i
Phono Pre-Amp Krell KPE
Universal Remote Control MX850
Video Projector JVC DLA-RS66U
Video Screen Vue Tech 108

Please note: I now need four more posts before i can put up pictures!
I'm a big fan of your speakers! I've owned them in the past, and now I've purchased a pair of Studio 2's. I bet your Krell amp is a terrific match for the Salon 2's.
The studios are good too! I heard them. One thing I have learned, often the hard way, is that systems have to be matched well. I needed strong amps on the Salon 2 and started with the Krell 750mcx. The step up to the 600i was gigantic and major improvement. In fact, should I ever get the funds I want to switch the 450mcx that I have for the center to a 400i.

How long until your speakers get set up? And do improved power cables make that much of a difference? That is a question, not a statement, I don't know.
The studios are good too! I heard them. One thing I have learned, often the hard way, is that systems have to be matched well. I needed strong amps on the Salon 2 and started with the Krell 750mcx. The step up to the 600i was gigantic and major improvement. In fact, should I ever get the funds I want to switch the 450mcx that I have for the center to a 400i.

How long until your speakers get set up? And do improved power cables make that much of a difference? That is a question, not a statement, I don't know.

My speakers should arrive in 1-2 weeks. I bought a pair of Classe CA-M600 amps and a Classe CP-800 preamp to drive them. 1200 watts/channel into 4 ohms should make them sing. I think the Classe/Revel synergy should be quite good. John Atkinson thinks so! :)

It will be a digital system - for now. One day, I will add a turntable - probably when the Phonostage for the CP800 is released. Classe is telling me its a killer Phonostage.

Do power cables make a difference? Well.....what makes a real difference is clean electricity. Before spending money on expensive power cords, I would first make sure you have clean electricity. Start with upgrading the wall sockets. I have the Furutech GT-X sockets (purchased from Jeff at AV Solutions - here on Audioshark). I've also had the MIT wall sockets in my room for testing and they were excellent as well.

Beyond that, a power conditioner is a good idea. I know people rave about the Shunyata power conditioners. I have two audiophile grade power conditioners - the APC S20's and S15's. They also serve as surge protectors and battery backup. These are necessary for summers in Florida (lots and lots of lightening strikes). Once the summer storms are over, I plug my amps directly into the Furutech GT-X wall sockets which are connected to dedicated 20 amp circuits. The preamp and sources remain plugged into the APC S20's at all times.

The wall sockets help filter out noise on the line from outside, but more importantly, line on the noise from INSIDE your house - created by your refrigerator, freezer, AC unit and pretty much anything that uses electricity in your house.

If, after all that, you want to try some after market PC's, then at least you will be starting with a level playing field.

I had the WW Silver Electra power cords and I found the stock ARC power cords more to my liking. That being said, next week, I have some Tara Labs "THE ONE" power cords coming to try.

Start with clean AC first....it will give you much blacker backgrounds without changing cords.