AQ Diamond Ethernet

I currently have:

AQ Vodka > Aqvox SE > AQ Diamond > Lumin X1. I liked the Aqvox when I installed it a few months ago... I think I probably should do an AB comparison and listen to the differences again. As with many things the Aqvox is a bit system dependent, but most commentary seems to agree that it makes a positive difference. Of course, there will always be naysayers, but I have liked it so far.
With my current setup I have a switch attached to my Orbi unit in a upstairs closet. I have a few devices hardwired to that switch including my dCS Upsampler which is connected to the switch via a long run of ethernet cable. I was considering adding a second switch just before the Upsampler and then using a high quality ethernet connection such as the AQ Diamond to complete the connection. Disregarding other devices this is how it would look.

Cable modem--->Orbi Router--->Network switch---long ethernet cable---->Network switch---->AQ Diamond??--dCS Upsampler

Would you expect any SQ improvement with the addition of a second switch and the AQ ethernet connection?
With my current setup I have a switch attached to my Orbi unit in a upstairs closet. I have a few devices hardwired to that switch including my dCS Upsampler which is connected to the switch via a long run of ethernet cable. I was considering adding a second switch just before the Upsampler and then using a high quality ethernet connection such as the AQ Diamond to complete the connection. Disregarding other devices this is how it would look.

Cable modem--->Orbi Router--->Network switch---long ethernet cable---->Network switch---->AQ Diamond??--dCS Upsampler

Would you expect any SQ improvement with the addition of a second switch and the AQ ethernet connection?

Hi Jim - No and only for the reason I am a believer less is more using the straightest, shortest path. I do believe you would gain if you make your current switch an audio switch and use a higher end ethernet cable like you mention. AQVox makes a switch I use and like, and The Linear Solution whom I stumbled on in the greater Seattle area literally 5 miles from my home makes OCXO and TCXO switches and routers.

Hope this helps.
Hi Jim - No and only for the reason I am a believer less is more using the straightest, shortest path. I do believe you would gain if you make your current switch an audio switch and use a higher end ethernet cable like you mention. AQVox makes a switch I use and like, and The Linear Solution whom I stumbled on in the greater Seattle area literally 5 miles from my home makes OCXO and TCXO switches and routers.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I will stay with the TrendNet switch(s). That switch did what nothing else seemed to be able to do and that is eliminate 100% of all Roon dropouts I was experiencing when I switched from Apple to Netgear Orbi back in August.

The reason I asked about adding the additional switch and AQ cable is that I don't want to clutter my 2-channel room with extra devices so that is why my network
gears remains hidden in a closet with all of my network gear. I just have one hidden ethernet cable entering my 2 channel room. I have absolutely no complaints on met SQ but was just looking for a simple and hidden upgrade.
I currently have:

AQ Vodka > Aqvox SE > AQ Diamond > Lumin X1. I liked the Aqvox when I installed it a few months ago... I think I probably should do an AB comparison and listen to the differences again. As with many things the Aqvox is a bit system dependent, but most commentary seems to agree that it makes a positive difference. Of course, there will always be naysayers, but I have liked it so far.

Re Ethernet cables, I have a 2m AQ Vodka, 3m AQ Diamond, and a 5M AQ Diamond. Even the 5M Diamond clearly outperforms the 2m Vodka, which is no slouch, IMO.

There may well be something better, but I have yet to experience it.
Anyone knows what Aqvox switch SE input DC voltage range is?
I have the normal Aqvox (not SE) the input voltage is 5 volt.
Effectively the manufacturer recommends not changing the PSU. In my experience the LPSU of Kenneth Lau is much better than the SMPS that comes from origin.
On the other hand I have two Ethernet AQ Diamond cables that I have not used. The one that goes from the Aqvox to the Melco because I changed it for a Göbel cable and the one that went from the Melco to the Lumin because I changed the Lumin for a USB DAC, so soon the two will come out for sale. If someone is interested, PM to me.
Just installed the AQ Diamond Ethernet. I’m extremely pleased with the performance. While I expected to improve on the off the shelf cable I had been using, I was not expecting the significant difference and improvements I’m hearing. Highly recommended!
Just installed the AQ Diamond Ethernet. I’m extremely pleased with the performance. While I expected to improve on the off the shelf cable I had been using, I was not expecting the significant difference and improvements I’m hearing. Highly recommended!

Mike, Good to hear. I ordered one from Mike and it should arrive the middle of next week along with the GigaFoil I also ordered tp be inserted in proximity to my Upsampler allowing me to add the AQ Diamond ethernet cable to my set-up.
Mike, Good to hear. I ordered one from Mike and it should arrive the middle of next week along. The GigaFoil I also ordered will be inserted in proximity to my Upsampler allowing me to add the AQ Diamond ethernet cable to my set-up.

Excellent Jim! The difference is not subtle. Look forward to your update.
Added the AQ Diamond to my system about a week ago. First day was horrible [emoji3], with the cable sounding thin and flat against the AQ Vodka. Details were good though. But could not avoid the thought “ah, this is how a silver cable sounds like”.

But after settling in a bit, it developed very nicely. Detail retrieval is great, tonality is transparent and balanced. But IMHO it really blows other cables away with its dimensionality, incredible soundstage width, and especially depth, and ability to convey ambiance of the venue. Very happy with it.

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Added the AQ Diamond to my system about a week ago. First day was horrible [emoji3], with the cable sounding thin and flat against the AQ Vodka. Details were good though. But could not avoid the thought “ah, this is how a silver cable sounds like”.

it looks like my AQ Diamond will arrive two days before the GigaFoil unit. I will insert it elsewhere on my network to initiate the break-in process. Thanks for the heads up.