Hi from Colorful Colorado


Apr 22, 2013
The Neutral Zone
Hi everyone!

I've been a member here since 2013 and plan to be more active, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I've been along time music lover, ever since I had a bunch of Beatles and Chubby Checker 45's. I've also been really interested in gear and how it works, building a bunch of Knight Kits, Dynaco and Hafler amps and the like. So music and electronics have been hobbies for a long time. Actually, I turned them into a profession.

After graduating from college with an Electrical Engineering degree, I started my career as an audio and RF design engineer working for several of broadcast equipment manufacturers. I designed phono preamps, mixing consoles, equalizers, automatic gain controls, digital recorders, FM Exciters, and signal processing gear.

I left broadcasting to pursue another passion - aviation, and ended up in Sarasota, FL as Chief Engineer for Baker Electronics, where I designed audio systems for corporate jet aircraft. That was a cool gig - I designed loudspeakers, amplifiers, and A/V distribution systems that had to pass stringent FAA regulations for airborne equipment.

I then moved away from audio completely and into airborne collision avoidance systems. I also moved from design to the dark side - management! :disbelief:

I left a major Fortune 50 company in 2016 to pursue a second career in consulting.

All along audio and electronics has been a passion. I'm glad to be here, and hope I can contribute!

It would be weird to say welcome to a guy who predates me by years, so I'll just say I'm glad you will be more active! I love CO and wish I could move there. Maybe after my youngest graduates in 17 years...
Welcome. Thank you so much Tom. So happy to have you here.