Wilson Maxx 2. vs. Magico S5 mk2

At any or of these demos, did they tell you where the seat for the best (smoothest) bass was located?

No , but i changed position multiple times looking for it ....... :)

It's hard to say what speakers have the best bass if we have no idea where the best seat for the bass is located. There is typically a fairly well-defined area for the best (smoothest) bass

Agree that is so for any specific room , the best location for Bass is very specific and it's usually not the same for mid-range and sound-stage presence, hence why i prefer 4 tower systems when doing SOTA attempts.

in most rooms. Especially at shows & dealer showrooms. Or even worse, if the speakers were not even set-up with that critical consideration foremost in mind for the best installation/demo...

This was an WA demo setup in a Big hotel room played into the short wall , setup was by Peter McGarth from WA and yes i acknowledge it was not the best or even a treated dealer room, but this room was chosen specific for this event and with time to make it right.

Aside, the Bass was still out of wack and obviously adjusted for Peter's bespoke classical recordings where it sounded really well and painfully bumpy on anything else..

Regards ...
BTW, to those Never hearing Bass Authority at a Symphony or a Jazz club , take your hearing aid and ears next time ...

Aside, the Bass was still out of wack and obviously adjusted for Peter's bespoke classical recordings where it sounded really well and painfully bumpy on anything else..

Now why would the bass be good on classical, but bumpy on everything else? Was the system tweaked, so to create an “authoritative” bass where one does not exist and by that ruin the ones that are recorded with normal or “authoritative” bass?

take your hearing aid and ears next time ...

Glad you got your ears attached, but what good would the ears be without a mind to assess what it is they are hearing...


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Says a lot about the people who buy these...

I think your comments say more about you. You have a Magico bias which is not in itself an bad thing. I don’t like Magico but don’t feel a need to go to Magico forum and reiterate my opinion as I don’t need to convince anyone I am right. But you also for some reason get really worked up about certain other brands...a sign of insecurity and one of your defects and your comments have troll attributes. If you don’t like Wilson than stop listening to it....pretty simple. I suggest you go back to the Magico forum which you pretty much solely comment in and also continually repeat yourself in. Take your charts so you can reread to convince yourself which does not require actual listening. The arrogance of the comment above is astounding. I am not going to argue with you as it’s pointless and I am not here to change you mind but did want to give you my free advice. How you take it will again reflect on you


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I believe he's just trying to prove HIS point which is normal for audio forums. I guess acoustic bass and timpani drums in an orchestral piece aren't to be considered in my earlier post about "authoritative bass reproduction". Most members here post their systems LVB does not? Also graphs are just that, a measurement. We don't listen to measurements, is this Stereo Review all over again with Julian Hirsch? There is a reason many people use the moniker of, "trust your ears".
I think your comments say more about you...

Yes, I guess a bit harsh, but we were past good manners when I was offered hearing aids few posts ago (didn't see you come to my rescue). Sorry, but this is a ridicules setup by any standard, start with the tile floor or the glass wall (why so many amps, what a waste). How about the wheels under the speakers and subs. You think the bass will be good here?
Yes, I guess a bit harsh, but we were past good manners when I was offered hearing aids few posts ago (didn't see you come to my rescue). Sorry, but this is a ridicules setup by any standard, start with the tile floor or the glass wall (why so many amps, what a waste). How about the wheels under the speakers and subs. You think the bass will be good here?

It is probably a surround system since you cannot bi-amp Wilson's under normal circumstances.
I believe he's just trying to prove HIS point which is normal for audio forums. I guess acoustic bass and timpani drums in an orchestral piece aren't to be considered in my earlier post about "authoritative bass reproduction". Most members here post their systems LVB does not? Also graphs are just that, a measurement. We don't listen to measurements, is this Stereo Review all over again with Julian Hirsch? There is a reason many people use the moniker of, "trust your ears".

I dont think he has ever been to a Symphony, to make a silly statement like that ....
It is probably a surround system since you cannot bi-amp Wilson's under normal circumstances.

Regardless Jim , what need was there to criticize the system or the Post ,, IMO , the response was way out of line , which Audiophile dont enjoy looking at audio bling ...

Regardless Jim , what need was there to criticize the system or the Post ,, IMO , the response was way out of line , which Audiophile dont enjoy looking at audio bling ...


I was just answering why there was so much amplification. For the most part I am done with any Magico and Wilson debate. Others can spend their time on such a pointless debate.
You posted without saying AN , Hacked ..? :)

Post up a pic of your setup , less see how he takes it , if the same , I promise not to comment ..


wait .. what ...! Lol
The forum bully is on a rampage.

I have noticed, time and time again, that once I bring some tangible data to a discussion, certain members here just go haywire. From that point the discussion derails quickly (Hard not to bite into these provocations, sorry). Here is another one:

Sure you not Bodhi? :P
I guess I hit a nerve, that is good, you may want to rethink your Avatar pic, it is 2018 after all.
I disagree. Most sound awful. We do have an outdoor arena in Tampa, old Massey Hall in Toronto and a few others, which actually are pretty good, but Amalea arena and others around here suck. When you hear unamplified in a small intimate setting or a live orchestra, there is nothing better - and that, IMO, should be the benchmark.


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However many people don't like that kind of music.

To be honest I want a sound to that is pleasing to my ear. Trying to get realistic orchestra sound in an average living room is not feasible. An orchestra can go from 60db to over 100db. in seconds that is not something most people want in the home. Also the whole acoustics in such a room are nigh impossible to create in the average room.

A large living room is maybe 40m2.

Most music I listen to includes electrical amplified instruments, guitar bass, etc. So there is no original sound.