What's the hype with Mcintosh amps : how to choose ? and which ones are well rated ?


Jan 17, 2017
Hello folks
It's a matter of taste of course , but I really fancy (physically) those Mc intosh amps
However , I don't even know how to choose one
My system is
Source : Lumin U1 + Melco N1A
DAC : Chord Dave
Pre : Belles LA01
Power : Icon audio MB 845 mono blocks (broken these days ) , Belles SA30 (Class A)
Speakers : audiophysics virgo 25

I am planning to either go for the Mc Intosh way (mono blocks) or GATO Audio mono amps (PWR)

Any suggestions or help to choose the Mcintosh ?
Which model ?


Hmmm, interesting question. I have to say I kind of started with McIntosh and veered away, now with my recent purchase of an MC303, I am back in a big way. I love this thing and want MORE :)

Your virgo 25 look like very nice speakers. They are probably not too difficult to drive so anything from the MC152 on up will be great.

Your Belles preamp should be an excellent pairing because it's a great preamp.

Basically pick how much power you need and go from there.

McIntosh is very musical, long term listening great and holds value as well or better than most gear out there. Plus, I just love the way it looks.

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Hello folks
It's a matter of taste of course , but I really fancy (physically) those Mc intosh amps
However , I don't even know how to choose one
My system is
Source : Lumin U1 + Melco N1A
DAC : Chord Dave
Pre : Belles LA01
Power : Icon audio MB 845 mono blocks (broken these days ) , Belles SA30 (Class A)
Speakers : audiophysics virgo 25

I am planning to either go for the Mc Intosh way (mono blocks) or GATO Audio mono amps (PWR)

Any suggestions or help to choose the Mcintosh ?
Which model ?


Zaheer - I see that we both use the same source (the Lumin U1). I have had fantastic results pairing this with Mcintosh components for both my pre-amplification and amplification. When considering Mac gear, I would say the first question to ask yourself is: do you want a tube-based system or solid state? Mcintosh does both approaches, and does each extremely well...it is truly a matter of personal preference. From there, I would go with as much power as your given budget/room size constraints will allow. I am currently using the Mcintosh C1100/D1100 pre-amp/DAC, paired with the MC2301 tube monoblocks. To my ears, the sound and performance of this combination is truly awe-inspiring. The aesthetics and build quality of Mcintosh components - for me - is just as important as the way they sound. When you couple sonic performance with good looks, high build quality, and top that off with an extensive network of dealer options/warranty support, you really can't go wrong.
Zaheer - I see that we both use the same source (the Lumin U1). I have had fantastic results pairing this with Mcintosh components for both my pre-amplification and amplification. When considering Mac gear, I would say the first question to ask yourself is: do you want a tube-based system or solid state? Mcintosh does both approaches, and does each extremely well...it is truly a matter of personal preference. From there, I would go with as much power as your given budget/room size constraints will allow. I am currently using the Mcintosh C1100/D1100 pre-amp/DAC, paired with the MC2301 tube monoblocks. To my ears, the sound and performance of this combination is truly awe-inspiring. The aesthetics and build quality of Mcintosh components - for me - is just as important as the way they sound. When you couple sonic performance with good looks, high build quality, and top that off with an extensive network of dealer options/warranty support, you really can't go wrong.

Hello Guys
Thanks for the answers
As stated , the question is tube or not tube
To be honest the Icon Audio MB845 , really sound fantastic
The quest is for upgrade and visual aesthetic pleasure with the mcintosh
I plan to keep the Belles LA 01
Ideally monoblock would be fantastic , but they tend to be very expensive
Futhermore , the choice is so vast
So I'm lost

Considering the tube ones , are they easily repaired ? Tube Rolling possible ?
Considering the sstate : do they sound rather class A or tube like ?

nearly bought a 2 box c500t but various people put me off , and it was so massive that i would have needed a bigger rack . take a lot to beat the belles .
How big is your room? What kind(s) of music do you listen to? At what levels?
The AP Virgo is a (nominally) 4 ohm load with poor efficiency. Your 845 amp drove them?

Which output tap worked best?

Have you reached out to the speaker builder to ask this question? The designers often perform similar testing to find recommended amps.
Personally I like the way the Mac amps look. However the SS amps I've heard, the big 800 or something watt mono blocks sounded dull and lifeless to me. People tell me their tube amps like the 275? Is much better.
My McIntosh amp is nothing like dull and lifeless. Yes, I believe the tube "can" be better under the right circumstances, but like everything else, careful system matching is important. I love tube preamps and solid state amps, mainly because my music is on 12-15 hours a day.

I'm loving my MC303 and don't feel I'm giving anything up.
My McIntosh amp is nothing like dull and lifeless. Yes, I believe the tube "can" be better under the right circumstances, but like everything else, careful system matching is important. I love tube preamps and solid state amps, mainly because my music is on 12-15 hours a day.

I'm loving my MC303 and don't feel I'm giving anything up.

A few years back when I bought my 2nd hand speakers the owner had the big SS mono blocks and I believe a top of the line ML pre amp. I was disappointed by the speakers. Just dull sounding, a but like how Ayre amps can sound.

Then I connected my 2x100W amp, (actually the manufacturer does not specify how much watts) and the speakers sounded much more alive. But it could have been the combination.
Not all amps are created equal and I am sure it's the same with McIntosh. Some are better than others.

Not all Pass Labs amps sound the same as well.
Hello Guys
Thanks for the input
Some thoughts about my hifi journey :
1. I bought the audiophysics for their ability for vocal , and used them with solid state (Belles MB200 monos) , fantastic ,but bass shy in my room Under the roof (5m * 6m)
2. Then had the opportunity to buy a sentimental object (Icom MB845) .. great great lift in the sound
3. The MB 845 got broken , and I am currently using the Virgos with Belles SA30 (class A) .. good sound , and radically changed when I installed the GAIA3 feet Under the speakers

As such , I'm waiting for the MB845 to be repaired , but just pondering about mcintosh (looks of course)
The manufacturer of Audiophysics has no recommendation , but in forums , loads of people tend to associate them with tube amps or class A

So , in the perspective of Mcintosh , I don't know which type to go for : tube or transistor
Regarding the sound , I guess that I should get a dealer to lend me one , but in my area no one sells that ..
That's why I need your views , and help
So , in the perspective of Mcintosh , I don't know which type to go for : tube or transistor
Regarding the sound , I guess that I should get a dealer to lend me one , but in my area no one sells that ..
That's why I need your views , and help

If this is temporary, keep in mind stronger resale value on MacIntosh tube gear.

I would suggest seeking out a loaner or buying a dedicated amp to run the woofers.

I too, am a convert to Triodes and few amplifiers can emulate their best qualities.
If this is temporary, keep in mind stronger resale value on MacIntosh tube gear.

I would suggest seeking out a loaner or buying a dedicated amp to run the woofers.

I too, am a convert to Triodes and few amplifiers can emulate their best qualities.
