Esoteric N-01

Hi Peter,
i powered off everything and still have the issue with Sound Stream on IPad not seeing my N01. I then downloaded Sound Stream onto my Android phone and was able to connect and control the N01. So I assumed SS app on my IPad might need reloading. I deleted it from my IPad and downloaded a new version and I am still having the same issue. I have an IPad7, 14.8.1 . Have u heard of any SS issues with this version? Or is my next step resetting the network card on the N01?

This is a WiFi problem.

Please try Lumin app, although it is not likely to behave much differently.

Set different SSID (name) for WiFi 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Try them individually from the iPad. See if one works better than the other.

Try an iPhone if you have one.

If these are still not working, try temporarily removing the network extender from the network, and test only with your WiFi router.
@mallen123 any update?
I've made sure the iPad is on the same network with no success.

I don't have an iPhone.

I can see and control the N01 with the soundstream app on my Android phone so not sure it's a network extender issue.

My next step will be the Lumim app on the IPad

I havnt tried connecting directly to my router as the N01 would be a beast to relocate to my office for a direct connect to my router.
Please tell me the Esoteric Sound Stream app version. You're still using iOS 14.8.1 right?
@mallen123 please update to Esoteric Sound Stream app 2.0.0 and verify that it fixes the problem for you on iOS 14.8.1