Full list of MQA titles on Tidal

Mike unfortunately that list doesn't appear to having any recent updates. There have been many albums released over the last few months that are not listed.
Mike unfortunately that list doesn't appear to having any recent updates. There have been many albums released over the last few months that are not listed.

Damn! Ok, thanks.

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At some point I would suspect the Roon forum members got tired of doing Tidal and MQA's job for them. At this point the Tidal and MQA relationship appears to be a publicity gimmick more than anything else and probably orchestrated by the new investor/owner. From my experiences the last couple of month's Tidal needs to spend more time being concerned about content delivery with constant interruptions than about MQA or it won't matter.
At some point I would suspect the Roon forum members got tired of doing Tidal and MQA's job for them. At this point the Tidal and MQA relationship appears to be a publicity gimmick more than anything else and probably orchestrated by the new investor/owner. From my experiences the last couple of month's Tidal needs to spend more time being concerned about content delivery with constant interruptions than about MQA or it won't matter.

From day one I have had no issues with Tidal with interruptions or content.
At some point I would suspect the Roon forum members got tired of doing Tidal and MQA's job for them. At this point the Tidal and MQA relationship appears to be a publicity gimmick more than anything else and probably orchestrated by the new investor/owner. From my experiences the last couple of month's Tidal needs to spend more time being concerned about content delivery with constant interruptions than about MQA or it won't matter.

This. I strongly suspect that MQA has a master list of songs that have gotten the MQA treatment so far. From where I'm sitting, there appears to be no practical reason why that list cannot be shared with the public, or at least with subscribers to services like Tidal that offer MQA. If they don't have such a list, then that is a rather troubling indication of disorganization or lack of foresight.
Early on when Tidal introduced MQA recordings to their catalog, not all MQA albums were easily identifiable. That is, Many MQA recordings did not show under the Master tab. So users created that spreadsheet as a way to help other users locate MQA recordings.
I understand that there have been improvements in the Tidal software to better show the entire MQA catalog and that's likely why that spreadsheet is no longer being updated regularly.
Early on when Tidal introduced MQA recordings to their catalog, not all MQA albums were easily identifiable. That is, Many MQA recordings did not show under the Master tab. So users created that spreadsheet as a way to help other users locate MQA recordings.
I understand that there have been improvements in the Tidal software to better show the entire MQA catalog and that's likely why that spreadsheet is no longer being updated regularly.

There is no method for showing the entire MQA catalog. The Masters page in Tidal is limited to around ~458 titles. The majority of these are the same from when they were initially listed. Maybe 10% having been updated and replaced with a new tile within that ~458 limit.

Yes, in the Tidal app (not Roon yet) you can identify a MQA title by the M in a box located below the listing similar to the E for explicit content box. You can go to an artists page in the Top tidal and list all releases for that artist and see if any are MQA. We are all hoping for something better.
This. I strongly suspect that MQA has a master list of songs that have gotten the MQA treatment so far. From where I'm sitting, there appears to be no practical reason why that list cannot be shared with the public, or at least with subscribers to services like Tidal that offer MQA. If they don't have such a list, then that is a rather troubling indication of disorganization or lack of foresight.

Agree. And also, how is it possible that Tidal does not implement any type of digital tagging that can be recognized by third party software (such as Lumin) and that we may once be depending on MQA file listings? Oh my God, we're in 2017. I love how MQA sounds completely deployed in my Lumin, but if it succeeds in the end it will not be because of Tidal's attitude.
Agree. And also, how is it possible that Tidal does not implement any type of digital tagging that can be recognized by third party software (such as Lumin) and that we may once be depending on MQA file listings? Oh my God, we're in 2017. I love how MQA sounds completely deployed in my Lumin, but if it succeeds in the end it will not be because of Tidal's attitude.

Not sure I understand that Tidal does not implement any type of digital tagging. The Lumin app displays the Album, Artist, tracks, titles of the song(s) and its gets that from whats in Tidal.
I love Tidal on my Lumin U1 that Mike talked into buying!

I cannot believe how well Tidal streams thru a straw of bandwidth and sound soooo good!

Why do I maintain a NAS with its PITA factor?
Me too! I have an A1 at home and a U1 in the store. In for a penny...

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Well, maybe Peter can tell us, but my Lumin application tells me that I have 399 MQA albums in Master and we all know that the real number is higher. If there was such a mark the Lumin application could make a "Select" of all the albums marked as MQA and that I know can not do it